Dinesh Sunar Parkour
From Sand dunes to Guinness World Records

He has set a Guinness World Record. He proved himself to the world by throwing 460 times backwards in one hour. In 2017, 'The Must Twisting Backflip of Wall in One Minute' set the first world record. Then it was easy to climb another step. The first record alone did not die. In 2018, he set the second world record in 'The Most Backward Somersault Against Wall in 30 Seconds'. Dinesh set the third world record in 'The Must Twisting Backflippy of Wall' in 30 seconds.
In this way, Nepali youth Dinesh Sunar has made a name for himself as an 'adventure hero' in the world. Speaking of Nepal, he not only introduced the Parker game here, but also highlighted its potential.
Nowadays, Parker's fascination is growing even among Nepali youth. Lately, some Nepali youths are learning sports with him. "People are beginning to understand what a parker is," he says. It takes time to develop. '
The Parker game is just beginning to be included in international competitions. He is hopeful that it will gradually pick up speed.
Parker is an adventure game. Success is possible only if there is physical fitness, intellect, courage and attachment.
Dinesh has had to work very hard to get here. Born / raised in Rajapani of Khotang, his life story is full of struggles. Her parents worked in garments. After the financial crisis in the family, the father went abroad to earn money. Then he returned to the village with his mother.
He studied in Kathmandu till class 7 and suddenly had to return to the village. While in Kathmandu, he had performed many 'stunts'. At the same time, he used to watch movies with his friends. He also watched Nepali 'heroes' movies of Biraj Bhatt and Nikhil Upreti. From then on, they started copying.
Reminiscing about his childhood, Dinesh says, 'The influence of cinema was already there. Even when I was living in Kathmandu, I had made a lot of sand in the sand dunes and started vomiting. '
Even after returning to the village, he found plenty of places to do stunts. He could not watch television or movies. We had to adopt a different medium of learning.
'I started doing stunts by digging a ditch with my friends in the village. I dug a hole, put straw in it, and piled up the soil to make small mounds. I used to do stunts in such places many times', he recalled.
He used to walk for three or four hours to reach the river bank. And he would spend the day jumping up and down in the sand. He has many memories of playing in the sand all day long.
Today he is thrilled to remember those days. 'There was no river with sand in the village. We had to walk a long way to reach the sandy river. '
Wishing success to inspiring youth of our community Dinesh Sunar!